Tuesday, February 8, 2011

THe official die mannequin PreParTies

This is THe** official Pre-ParTy for myself and die mannequin.

The firsT is Tomrrow niGHT aT cherry cola's (wed.. feb. 9TH..). fllowed by Tursday feb. 10TH also aT cHerry's..).
everyone is inviTed of course.. and There is:

**no cover..
**cHeaP drinks..

** and music/dj alla me, care f.

we fiGured Two juno nominaTions.. so Two niGHts THis week.

more info below:

***yes ye yes.!. come join me.. (Tomorrow) wednesday.!!. and** Thursday niGHT.!!.
*** aT cHerry cola's rock n rolla cabareT & lounGe.
*** from 9:30 on.!!.

we are celebraTinG die mannequin's and myself's Two juno nominaTions as i dj The niGHT away for boTH niGHTs.!!.

so Tomorrow, wednesday february 9TH, as well as Thursday febuary 10TH aT cHerry cola's (rock n' rlla cabareT & lounGe..)..

so.. *if you cannoT make iT one niGHT.. jusT come The nexT.!!.
maaa band die mannequin Has been nominaTed for Two juno's.. weird enouGH.. so i THouGHT i would weirden uP The sTakes and dj Twice in a row for Two fun niGHts insTead of one.

come on ouT. for more Punk rock and rock and roll To some drunked dance sTePs afTer midniGHT aT THe mosT PerfecT Place i could THink of.. cHerry cola's.

iT varies.. buT for These niGHTs i wil be PlayinG everyTHinG from rock n roll, (d'uH..). Punk rock, fuck rock, dance rock .e.T..c you GeT The idea..) To...

some n.w.a. To .m.i.a.
meTallica To THe melvins..
THe suPremes To sonic youTH...
local bands To souTH african scene darlinGs...
THee kills To eaGles of deaTH meTal...
..jay Z To brown b.
neil younG To bob dylan..
dafT Punk To (nazi Punks fuck off..). The dead kennedys..
so There is someTHinG for everyone.. of course. because we all enjoy *Good music. and of course TakinG requesTs.!!.

i do noT Go ouT mucH..Those wHo know me besT.. so Take advanTaGe of These Two niGHTs.

no cover.***
cHeaP drinks.**

THis is The* official die mannequin Pre ParTy..!!.
Thank you.!!.
from The boTTom of my fever..
. .-.. .care .f..

( die mannequin.).



sHiT sHiT sHiT.!!. isuck sooo Hard.. i GoT my own Pre parTy days mixed uP/... eGG on my face.. i miGHT as well eaT worms.!!!. Here is my ooPs.! face...
Pre ParTies are noT Tomorrow.. i rePeaT., vuT are beinG Held nexT week.!. buT did you like The HyPe mucH.??. i did...
i Have cHanGed The deTails in The evenT.!.
a mass aPoloGy.!! To everyone.!!!.
so sorry.!!.
. .-.. .care.. .f.. .
(die manneuqin..).
(and Horrible screwer0uPper-of-daTes...)..

i Have obviously losT sense of daTe and Time beinG Held uP in sTudios... meH...
ooPs face.???.

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