Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Die Mannequin Singer Breaks Foot, Guitarist Gets Punched

Die Mannequin have the worst luck. Or at least they tend to find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Singer/guitarist Care Failure broke her foot during the band's final show opening for Marilyn Manson in Halifax on Friday night.

Failure is used to jumping around on stage, but she rolled her foot in such a way on Friday that she broke two of its bones, according to a MySpace blog post by bassist Anthony "Useless" Bleed.

Bleed said Failure continued playing the song, despite being in pain, and even finished playing the set.

"tune's done, and all she asks is 'wrap it in duct tape and gimme a valium!'" Bleed wrote.

"well she got the tape, and played that show like any other, and yes, including 2 jumps to the floor/crowd! she's no idiot, she's a rock n roll fuckin trooper....

"AFTER the show is when i took her to the hospital and with the help of a dazzer's local cousin/dr steve feelgood, and got her a nice xray and big honkin cast as a souvenier from halifax! "

Failure's injury unfortunately meant the band could not play the last date of the tour in Moncton, N.B.

Failure updated Die Mannequin fans about her condition on Monday.

"i jusT broke my fooT in two differenT Places in The inTro in The firsT sonG," she wrote in a MySpace blog entry.

"Played The wHole sHow wiTH iT broken in Two differenT Places.. HidinG beHind my Guitar bawlinG beTween sonGs.

"now i Have a full on casT for a monTh on my fuckinG leG.


That sucks enough already, but that wasn't the only bad luck to befall Die Mannequin this month.

Touring rhythm guitarist Stacy Stace got his clock cleaned by a "fat fuck redneck" (bassist Anthony "Useless" Bleed's own words) in Calgary following the band's show with Manson on Sept. 10.

According to Bleed's MySpace blog entry, Stace tried to play pool with a man at a bar after the gig, and was repeatedly brushed off before Stace called him a dick. Bleed says the guy then punched "his face into the elephant man! two left hooks, and suddenly we've got the kid from 'mask' in our band! whaaaaa?!?

"awww, welcome to the rough road stace!" Bleed continued. "our fault, we forgot to tell you bout that black cloud that loves to follow us, hahaha.... swelling's gone, and a descent (sic) story for the books.....and a warning to all: don't try to play pool in calgary with fat fuck redneck babies that don't like to share...."

Die Mannequin released their Fino + Bleed debut album on Sept. 1.

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